World Cup Tweet Sentiment Analysis


Sentiment Analysis is a topic that has fascinated me for some time. Examples like the analysis of @realDonaldTrump to classify tweets as positive or negative captivated me. To perform my own analysis, very simply, I data collected tweets during the England V Croatia World Cup Semi-Final game and proceeded through the steps of pre-processing, processing, sentiment analysis.

The tweets were collected through by a Python script I ran on a AWS instance. I used the tweepy api to collect 376 records in a JSON file and then used that for the following steps.

import os, json, pprint
import pandas as pd
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk import sent_tokenize

pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)
tweet_data = []
tweet_file = open('world_cup_tweets.txt', 'r')
for line in tweet_file:
        tweet = json.loads(line)

df = pd.DataFrame(tweet_data)
print('There are', df.shape[0], ' rows and', df.shape[1], ' columns in this dataset')
There are 376  rows and 37  columns in this dataset

Index(['contributors', 'coordinates', 'created_at', 'display_text_range',
       'entities', 'extended_entities', 'extended_tweet', 'favorite_count',
       'favorited', 'filter_level', 'geo', 'id', 'id_str',
       'in_reply_to_screen_name', 'in_reply_to_status_id',
       'in_reply_to_status_id_str', 'in_reply_to_user_id',
       'in_reply_to_user_id_str', 'is_quote_status', 'lang', 'limit', 'place',
       'possibly_sensitive', 'quote_count', 'quoted_status',
       'quoted_status_id', 'quoted_status_id_str', 'quoted_status_permalink',
       'reply_count', 'retweet_count', 'retweeted', 'retweeted_status',
       'source', 'text', 'timestamp_ms', 'truncated', 'user'],

Drop unnecessary columns

There are a siginifance number of attributes on this data set that will not be used. This step removes the unnessary columns.

df.drop(['contributors', 'coordinates', 'extended_tweet', 'geo', 'created_at', 'display_text_range',
       'entities', 'extended_entities', 'favorite_count',
       'favorited', 'filter_level', 'id', 'id_str',
       'in_reply_to_screen_name', 'in_reply_to_status_id',
       'in_reply_to_status_id_str', 'in_reply_to_user_id',
       'in_reply_to_user_id_str', 'is_quote_status', 'limit',
       'possibly_sensitive', 'quote_count', 'quoted_status',
       'quoted_status_id', 'quoted_status_id_str', 'quoted_status_permalink',
       'reply_count', 'retweet_count', 'retweeted', 'retweeted_status',
       'source','timestamp_ms', 'truncated', 'user'], axis=1, inplace=True)
(376, 3)
lang     object
place    object
text     object
dtype: object

Fill in NAN's

There are rows where the text value is NAN and that is causing the pre-processing steps to error with a data type error. Perhaps I could have filtered them out, but I chose to use fillna to fill them in with spaces.

df.text.fillna("", inplace=True)
#df['cleaned'] = df['text'].str.replace('[^\w\s]', '')
#from nltk.corpus import stopwords
#stop = stopwords.words('english')
#df['text'] = df['text'].apply(lambda x: " ".join(x for x in x.split() if x not in stop))

df['word_count'] = df['text'].apply(lambda x: len(str(x).split(" ")))
lang place text word_count
0 en None This. 2
1 en None Wanna see England in the final but Croatia is clearly the better side\n\n#ENGCRO #WorldCup 14
2 en None C’mon #England we really can do this. Dig deep. #EnglandvsCroatia #ThreeLionsOnAShirt 11
3 en None RT @FlickSaudi: If England lose This is How The Streets Of London Will Look 15
4 en None RT @hermannkelly: .@TonightShowTV3 I’m into the breach on the TV3 Tonight Show, Wednesday 11th July at 11pm. #WorldCup⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠ \nAs we already… 23
5 th None RT @mthai: เกมส์ยัง​ไม่จบ... ต่อเวลาพิเศษ​ 30 นาที\n\nโครเอเชีย​ 🇭🇷 1 : 1 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿​ อังกฤษ​\n เปริซิช 68' ⚽… 47
6 en None William made an England flag at nursery today. I hope he gets the need for it on Sunday. #ENGvCRO… 20
7 en None This is why england can never win d world cup again argue with ur ancestors #ENGCRO 16
8 en None RT @PurelyFootball: Hyde Park when Kieran Trippier scored for England🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿\n\nAbsolute scenes!🍻 12
9 en None Honestly? I’m ashamed about the protests in England... I’m ashamed we aren’t as organized and doing as much protest… 20

Punctuation removal

import string
df['no_punctuation'] = df['text'].str.replace('[^\w\s]','')
lang place text word_count no_punctuation
0 en None This. 2 This httpstcoUNKep8L5EY
1 en None Wanna see England in the final but Croatia is clearly the better side\n\n#ENGCRO #WorldCup 14 Wanna see England in the final but Croatia is clearly the better side\n\nENGCRO WorldCup
2 en None C’mon #England we really can do this. Dig deep. #EnglandvsCroatia #ThreeLionsOnAShirt 11 Cmon England we really can do this Dig deep EnglandvsCroatia ThreeLionsOnAShirt
3 en None RT @FlickSaudi: If England lose This is How The Streets Of London Will Look 15 RT FlickSaudi If England lose This is How The Streets Of London Will Look httpstcoV8AT2RRn5p
4 en None RT @hermannkelly: .@TonightShowTV3 I’m into the breach on the TV3 Tonight Show, Wednesday 11th July at 11pm. #WorldCup⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠ \nAs we already… 23 RT hermannkelly TonightShowTV3 Im into the breach on the TV3 Tonight Show Wednesday 11th July at 11pm WorldCup \nAs we already
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
from nltk.tokenize import WordPunctTokenizer
tok = WordPunctTokenizer()
pat1 = r'@[A-Za-z0-9]+'
pat2 = r'https?://[A-Za-z0-9./]+'
combined_pat = r'|'.join((pat1, pat2))

def tweet_cleaner(text):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'lxml')
    souped = soup.get_text()
    stripped = re.sub(combined_pat, '', souped)
        clean = stripped.decode("utf-8-sig").replace(u"\ufffd", "?")
        clean = stripped
        letters_only = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z]", " ", clean)
        lower_case = letters_only.lower()
    # During the letters_only process two lines above, it has created unnecessay white spaces,
    # I will tokenize and join together to remove unneccessary white spaces
        words = tok.tokenize(lower_case)
    return (" ".join(words)).strip()

result = []

for tweet in df.text:

df['cleaned'] = result

lang place text word_count no_punctuation cleaned
0 en None This. 2 This httpstcoUNKep8L5EY this
1 en None Wanna see England in the final but Croatia is clearly the better side\n\n#ENGCRO #WorldCup 14 Wanna see England in the final but Croatia is clearly the better side\n\nENGCRO WorldCup wanna see england in the final but croatia is clearly the better side engcro worldcup
2 en None C’mon #England we really can do this. Dig deep. #EnglandvsCroatia #ThreeLionsOnAShirt 11 Cmon England we really can do this Dig deep EnglandvsCroatia ThreeLionsOnAShirt c mon england we really can do this dig deep englandvscroatia threelionsonashirt
3 en None RT @FlickSaudi: If England lose This is How The Streets Of London Will Look 15 RT FlickSaudi If England lose This is How The Streets Of London Will Look httpstcoV8AT2RRn5p rt if england lose this is how the streets of london will look
4 en None RT @hermannkelly: .@TonightShowTV3 I’m into the breach on the TV3 Tonight Show, Wednesday 11th July at 11pm. #WorldCup⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠ \nAs we already… 23 RT hermannkelly TonightShowTV3 Im into the breach on the TV3 Tonight Show Wednesday 11th July at 11pm WorldCup \nAs we already rt i m into the breach on the tv tonight show wednesday th july at pm worldcup as we already
5 th None RT @mthai: เกมส์ยัง​ไม่จบ... ต่อเวลาพิเศษ​ 30 นาที\n\nโครเอเชีย​ 🇭🇷 1 : 1 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿​ อังกฤษ​\n เปริซิช 68' ⚽… 47 RT mthai เกมสยงไมจบ ตอเวลาพเศษ 30 นาท\n\nโครเอเชย 1 1 องกฤษ\n เปรซช 68 rt
6 en None William made an England flag at nursery today. I hope he gets the need for it on Sunday. #ENGvCRO… 20 William made an England flag at nursery today I hope he gets the need for it on Sunday ENGvCRO httpstcoCjf76wWtPG william made an england flag at nursery today i hope he gets the need for it on sunday engvcro
7 en None This is why england can never win d world cup again argue with ur ancestors #ENGCRO 16 This is why england can never win d world cup again argue with ur ancestors ENGCRO this is why england can never win d world cup again argue with ur ancestors engcro
8 en None RT @PurelyFootball: Hyde Park when Kieran Trippier scored for England🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿\n\nAbsolute scenes!🍻 12 RT PurelyFootball Hyde Park when Kieran Trippier scored for England\n\nAbsolute scenes httpstcoSLb6dFcG0g rt hyde park when kieran trippier scored for england absolute scenes
9 en None Honestly? I’m ashamed about the protests in England... I’m ashamed we aren’t as organized and doing as much protest… 20 Honestly Im ashamed about the protests in England Im ashamed we arent as organized and doing as much protest httpstcoJBLcWtfgsX honestly i m ashamed about the protests in england i m ashamed we aren t as organized and doing as much protest
10 en None RT @SavageLord10: Snap back thou this an old video guyz help me go viral tag @Aylo_SA @tloucolt @shelm_eric @flickice #imsorrychallenge #M… 22 RT SavageLord10 Snap back thou this an old video guyz help me go viral tag Aylo_SA tloucolt shelm_eric flickice imsorrychallenge M rt snap back thou this an old video guyz help me go viral tag sa eric imsorrychallenge m
11 en None RT @petertimmins3: If Croatia win by cheating tonight, I expect at least 17million people to respect the result. Especially you, @JuliaHB1 21 RT petertimmins3 If Croatia win by cheating tonight I expect at least 17million people to respect the result Especially you JuliaHB1 rt if croatia win by cheating tonight i expect at least million people to respect the result especially you
12 en None RT @KEEMSTAR: England wins \n\nI saw it in a dream 10 RT KEEMSTAR England wins \n\nI saw it in a dream rt england wins i saw it in a dream
13 en None We’re going a bit Spursy here England 🙈 8 Were going a bit Spursy here England we re going a bit spursy here england
14 en None RT @Predictionhq: correct score 1-1✔️\nCroatia over 0.5 Team Goals ✔️\nCroatia over 3.5 corners ✔️\nOver 1.5 FT goals \n100% Record https://t.c… 20 RT Predictionhq correct score 11\nCroatia over 05 Team Goals \nCroatia over 35 corners \nOver 15 FT goals \n100 Record httpstc rt correct score croatia over team goals croatia over corners over ft goals record
15 en None RT @alexandramusic: Literally can’t cope. COME ON ENGLAND !!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 10 RT alexandramusic Literally cant cope COME ON ENGLAND rt literally can t cope come on england
16 en None Genuinely feel sick right now #ENGCRO #WorldCup 7 Genuinely feel sick right now ENGCRO WorldCup genuinely feel sick right now engcro worldcup
17 en None Okay the pace seems to be slightly better for #ENGCRO - not sure it's going to be enough at this stage though. Typi… 24 Okay the pace seems to be slightly better for ENGCRO not sure its going to be enough at this stage though Typi httpstcoCXsEmkrss4 okay the pace seems to be slightly better for engcro not sure it s going to be enough at this stage though typi
18 en None Ok extra time let’s wrap this up and return England to their natural state; moaning into their pints… 19 Ok extra time lets wrap this up and return England to their natural state moaning into their pints httpstco8qQLHyjHxN ok extra time let s wrap this up and return england to their natural state moaning into their pints
19 en None I’d love some sideline reporting from @BarstoolBigCat in the next World Cup 12 Id love some sideline reporting from BarstoolBigCat in the next World Cup i d love some sideline reporting from in the next world cup

Stopwords Removal

#stop = set(stopwords.words('english'))
#df['final'] = df['cleaned'].apply(lambda x: [item for item in x if item not in stop])
#df['text'].apply(lambda x: [item for item in x if item not in stop])

Sentiment Analysis

Using Textblob.sentiment to detect the sentiment of the cleaned tweet. This returns a tuple of polarity and subjectivity. The polarity is indicative of the sentiment, a positive sentiment will have a value closer to 1 while a negative sentiment will be closer to -1.

from textblob import TextBlob
train = df.cleaned[:100]
#classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier(train, format=None)

#train.apply(lambda x: TextBlob(x).sentiment)

df['sentiment'] = df['cleaned'].apply(lambda x: TextBlob(x).sentiment[0])
df['positive'] = df['sentiment'] > 0
df['negative'] = df['sentiment'] < 0
df['neutral'] = df['sentiment'] == 0

labels = ['Negative','Postive','Neutral']

df_summary = pd.DataFrame([df['negative'].sum(), df['positive'].sum(), df['neutral'].sum()], index=labels)
Negative 47
Postive 124
Neutral 205
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
fig_size = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"]
fig_size[0] = 12
fig_size[1] = 9
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = fig_size


fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(12, 9)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(df.index.values, df['sentiment']);


from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS

stopwords = set(STOPWORDS)
wordcloud = WordCloud(

fig = plt.figure(1)
<wordcloud.wordcloud.WordCloud object at 0x111d36be0>


